Board of Directors:

President: Francis Demerlé - appointed on January 23, 2018 – does not receive any remuneration for his position

Secretary: Illio Chamonin – appointed secretary on November 9, 2023 – does not receive any remuneration for his position

Treasurer: Claudine Jouglet – appointed treasurer on November 9, 2023 – does not receive any remuneration for her position

Tax Advisors:

FR Accountant (Pommelet Yannick) €3,140.00

FR Labor Consultant (Scène gestion) €1,251.25

IT Labor Consultant (Studio Martino) €791.00

Contribution from public administrations, net of withholdings, materially collected in 2023:

- Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta €32,706.24

(net of 4% withholding)

- Remunerated assignments by public administrations materially collected in the year 2023:

Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation €3,600.00

Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation €1,500.00

Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation €1,500.00

Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation €500.00

ATCL Lazio €1,800.00

- School institutions:

Valdigne Montblanc School Institution €1,100.00