Marco Chenevier

Marco Augusto Chenevier lives and works between France and Italy. A choreographer, dancer, director, and actor, he develops, as an author, a research that crosses linguistic codes, explores their limits, and questions form and structure, creating original hybrids born from the fusion of dance, theater, circus, cabaret, board games, and technology. His work aims to both move and stimulate thought, surprise, and pleasure, eschewing cultural elitism as much as entertainment, spectacle, and consumption. Aesthetic research and political reflection are closely linked in a ruthless analysis of power relations. The processes of research and creation, the result of rigorous practices, have constituted a path characterized by the recovery of archetypes and their desecration in contemporary times, leading over the years to heterogeneous aesthetic results, alternating humor, lyricism, poetry, and iconoclasm.

Graduated from the International Academy of Theater in Rome, he studied at the contemporary dance school Filomarino and with Annapaola Bacalov in Rome. For seven years, he was a student and then assistant to Isaac Alvarez (first assistant to J. Lecoq) in France, at the Théâtre du Moulinage.

He collaborated as a dancer with various companies between Italy and France (Romeo Castellucci and Cindy Van Acker, Cie CFB451 within the CCN of Roubaix - Carolyn Carlson, Cie Lolita Espin Anadon, ...). He has signed over fifteen productions with which he has been invited, among others: Festival Torino Danza (Italy), Festival Interplay (Italy), Festival Agitato (France), Be Festival 2015 (UK) - first prize for best show, International Mess Festival (Bosnia), Teszt Festival (Romania), OpenDance Festival (Italy), HangartFest (Italy), Differenti Sensazioni (Italy), Festival Teatri di Vetro (Italy), FITT Festival di Tarragona (Spain), Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival (Netherlands), Festival Mirabilia di Fossano (Italy), Morenica festival (Italy), Caffeine Festival (Italy), International Ancient Greek Drama Festival (Cyprus), Saison Culturelle d'Aoste (Italy), Barhat Rang Mahotsav Festival (India), Festival VD'A - Voci dell'anima (Italy), Torino Fringe Festival (Italy), Peraspera Festival (Italy), Sarajevo Winter Festival (Bosnia) - first prize for contemporary dance, Festival Maratò de l’Espectacle (Spain), Pflasterspektakel Festival di Linz (Austria), Festival di Namyangju (South Korea), Torino Spiritualità (Italy).

He has been artistic director of several events including the "Morg-Ex Machina" Festival, the “Roma Street Art Festival”, and the itinerant review “Le marmotte non dormono”. He is currently co-director of the T*Danse Festival - Dance & Technology - International Festival of New Dance in Aosta.

In 2022, he obtained the state diploma in France as a contemporary dance teacher.

Alessia Pinto

Alessia Pinto began her training at the National Dance Academy of Rome, where she graduated in 2006. She decided to continue her studies at the Centre de Développement Chorégraphique in Toulouse where she participated in a creation with Robin Orlin and a version of Flip Book by Boris Charmatz.

She continues to study with renowned teachers and choreographers such as Inaki Azpillaga, David Zambrano, German Jauregui Allue, Laura Aris Alvarez, Nina Dipla, Damien Jalet. In 2012, Alessia worked within the European Union project "Culture and water bearers" in collaboration with Turkey, and danced for the German group from Weimar MXAV for multimedia shows.

In 2013, she decides to move to Paris and starts working for the Karine Saporta Company. The collaboration with Saporta continues until 2022. She takes part in the creation of the pieces "le cirque C", "Sophoclea", "le bal des sirènes" presented at the Chaillot theater on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the CCNs, and "Rayon X"; She also participates in the revival of the shows "Sophoclea", "le cabaret latin", "Phaëton", "la belle au bois dormant, de larmes écarlate(s)", "Ciel" and in the latest creation "Corps vivants pour une nature morte ".

She also dances for the F2B Company and for the Black Bakara Company, for the In Corpus Company and the Experimento Company, directed by Sofia Fitas, with whom she is currently working on the creation of the new piece "Experimento 5".

In 2019, Alessia obtains the State Diploma as a teacher in contemporary dance.

She currently collaborates with the company P.A.M. Pour des Arts en Mouvement both as a performer and as an outside eye for the new production Kiss in the Dark.

In 2023 she joins the Fêtes Galante Company directed by Béatrice Massin and dances in Requiem – la mort joyeuse.

Since 2010, she has regularly collaborated as a performer with the choreographer Marco Chenevier, actively participating in the creation process of his works.

The Collaboration

The artistic duo composed of Marco Chenevier and Alessia Pinto is the result of the professional encounter between two artists with different backgrounds, which has progressively evolved into a deep friendship and complicity. Their collaboration began in 2010 and has undergone a significant transformation from a traditional dynamic between choreographer and dancer to a more articulated synergy.

The crucial turning point came in 2017 with the creation of "Questo lavoro sull'arancia" (This work on the orange), a piece that marked the affirmation of an authentic authorial duo. This collaboration has been characterized by the convergence of different perspectives: Marco Chenevier has a background in theater as well and a strong focus on dramaturgy, while Alessia Pinto has academic roots in dance.

The diversity of cultural backgrounds of Marco and Alessia continues to be the lifeblood of this collaboration, enriching their work with a plural perspective that testifies to the strength of a union based on diversity.

The collaboration in 2023 led to the creation of "Bach à la carte!". This work highlighted the duo's ability to explore and merge distinct elements, combining Bach's musical complexity with the innovation of contemporary dance, in a dialogue that includes interaction with the audience.

The year 2024 represents a new phase in their collaboration with the joint creation of "Tu mi fai girar (come fossi una bambola)" (You make me spin like a doll).